Air Conditioning Making Your Skin and Throat Dry and Itchy? Do These 4 Things to Avoid Air Conditioning Sickness


What is Air Conditioning Sickness?

Air conditioning sickness refers to the set of symptoms that can occur when people spend long periods in air-conditioned rooms or rapidly move between areas with significant temperature differences. Common symptoms include headaches, runny nose, and cold hands and feet.

Common Symptoms of Air Conditioning Sickness and How to Address Them


When people quickly move from outdoors to an air-conditioned room or stay too long near the air conditioning vent, the cold air can cause blood vessels to constrict rapidly, leading to elevated blood pressure and headaches.

What to Eat: Magnesium can help regulate nerve function and relieve anxiety, while vitamin D can reduce the duration and frequency of headaches. Foods rich in these nutrients include pumpkin seeds, leafy greens, eggs, mushrooms, and salmon.

What to Do: Avoid sitting near the air conditioning vent for extended periods. Use a fan on a low setting to help circulate indoor air and maintain a cool, even temperature.

Cold Hands and Feet:

Exposure to cold air causes blood vessels to constrict, leading to poor peripheral blood circulation and cold hands and feet.

What to Eat:Foods rich in vitamins B1 and B3 can boost metabolism and improve blood circulation. Opt for whole grains like brown rice and pumpkin, lean meats, chicken breast, and black beans.

What to Do:Keep a warm piece of clothing or a shawl handy indoors, and remember to get up and move around periodically to stretch your muscles.

Dry and Itchy Skin:

Spending long periods in air-conditioned rooms can cause dryness, leading to itchy skin and dry eyes.

What to Eat:Vitamin A helps maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes, while vitamin E can reduce free radical damage and alleviate skin inflammation. Eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as liver, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins, and foods rich in vitamin E, such as avocados and nuts.

What to Do:Get up and move around every 25 to 30 minutes, and don't forget to drink water. Keeping your body hydrated can help reduce dry and itchy skin. If necessary, apply lotion or moisturizing products.

Nasal Allergies:

Using air conditioning often means closing windows, leading to poor indoor air circulation. Dust and allergens can accumulate and trigger allergic reactions.

What to Eat:Adequate vitamin C can boost immunity and help the body resist external environmental factors. Omega-3 fatty acids can also help reduce inflammation. Eat foods like guava, kiwi, salmon, and flaxseed oil.

What to Do:Reducing indoor dust accumulation and ensuring good air circulation is crucial. Before turning on the air conditioning in the morning, open the windows to ventilate the room. Regularly clean the surrounding environment with alcohol to reduce dust and germ residues.



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